Planning Board

The Planning Board hears applications for development, grants variances, prepares the Borough’s Master Plan, and makes recommendations to the Governing Body for zoning code changes.



Russell Porrino   12/31/24

Chairman (IV)

Mary O'Shea   12/31/26

Vice Chairwoman (IV)

Frances Correa   12/34/25

Member (IV)

Thomas Kim   12/31/26

Member (IV)

JP Lee   12/31/24

Member (IV)

Timothy O'Shea   12/31/26                       

Member (IV)

Alternate Members


Carol Jacoby   12/31/24

1st alternate (IV)

Kinga Zamecki   12/31/25

2nd alternate (IV)

Class I Member


Mayor Mark Park   12/31/27

Mayor (I)

Ilias Fountoukidis   12/31/24 Mayor Designee

Class II Member


Maria Villari   12/31/24

Borough Rep (II)

Class III Member


Rivka Biegacz   12/31/24

Council Rep (II)

Board Administrative Secretary    
Cathy Scancarella 


The Planning Board conducts public meetings on the second Thursday of each month at 7:30 PM in the Council Chambers at 10 Kahn Terrace. Application plans are left out for public review prior to meetings at 482 Hudson Terrace, adjacent to the building department on the first floor.

Additional Links

Presentation & Public Hearing on  “Preliminary Investigation Report for the Hudson Terrace Redevelopment Study Area, Block 513, Lots 4,5,6&7; Block 514, Lots 4&5 and Clendinen Place Right-of-Way” as a “Non-Condemnation area in Need of Redevelopment”

2021-03-17 - EC - Hudson Terrace Redevelopment Study (Final-Signed w Append.)

2021-03-17 - Under Separate Cover Documents

Hudson Terrace Final Redevelopment Study Area Map Exhibit 1-8-21


Agendas & Minutes

Master Plan Amendment

Rehabilitation Plan

Housing Element Fair Share Plan

Contact Information

482 Hudson Terrace
Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632


